Engineering services | Estudio DE ACHA

Company based in Argentina and the European Union


engineering services

In this section you will find information about materials, structural design, construction details and news related to the services offered by the engineering studio. This website is currently under development.

Learn more about us

We provide design, inspection and construction execution services

Our work teams have experience in the design of reinforced concrete structures and metal structures. We have technical capacity for architectural design and structural calculation.

We provide technical assistance to construction companies, architectural studios, pipe manufacturers, companies in the agricultural sector and companies providing telecommunications services, among others.

Learn more about our engineering services

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Our services

Project Design

Project Design

Do not hesitate to count on our services from the moment of pre-feasibility analysis and preliminary project to the development of detailed engineering. Taking into account that the latter is a fundamental piece of a good project.

Construction management

Construction management

Our specialists have sufficient knowledge to carry out the construction management of the projects that your company requires. Likewise, the control to be carried out on compliance with safety and hygiene standards is highlighted, both for staff and to avoid inconvenience to citizens passing through the vicinity.



Good planning and scheduling of work is essential when it comes to guaranteeing the return on investment of its partners. For this reason, we are in charge of controlling the work methods and times to achieve the objectives set in the critical path.



Work teams are an important part in meeting objectives. Correct communication, distribution of resources and active listening can ensure that the project concludes within the stipulated time. We are in charge of optimizing the production process in such a way that the planning and programming conditions are satisfied.

Representation abroad

Representation inside and outside the country

We can act as a representative of your organization inside and outside the country. We carry out audits and construction inspections in remote sites.

Professional engineers and architects

Our outsourcing service gives your company the possibility of having highly qualified professionals at its disposal in a flexible and safe way to respond to setbacks and changes in the scheduling of your project.


We serve clients from all over the country and also clients residing abroad. Our engineering studio is located at the address Hipolito Yrigoyen 2320 9° Florida, Vicente Lopez, Province of Buenos Aires and our opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Before coming to our offices, please contact us by phone.

We are located near the Dr.Cetrángolo station on the Mitre train line. Some bus lines that pass nearby are: 130,161 Ramal Florida,152,59,21,60.


Useful telephone numbers in case of collapse or accident of a civil work or building:

911 National Emergency Center - Police - Argentina
103 Emergencies - General Directorate of Relief and Emergency Guard
107 Medical emergencies


We are available to provide you with advice for your next project.
Complete the following information and we will send you a response email as soon as possible.

Do not hesitate to contact us by WhatsApp or by sending a message by email.

Whatsapp +54 9 11 2737 2505

You can book our phone number and send us a message via WhatsApp or press the floating green button.

On our social media accounts you will find all the news from the business group.

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